var FPC = FPC || {}; (function ($) { // USE STRICT "use strict"; var $window = $(window); var $document = $(document); var $goToTopEl = $('.js-go-top-el'); var $overlayBg = $('.js-overlay-bg'); FPC.header = { init: function () { FPC.header.ajaxSearch(); FPC.header.loginForm(); FPC.header.offCanvasMenu(); FPC.header.priorityNavInit(); FPC.header.searchToggle(); FPC.header.smartAffix.init({ fixedHeader: '.js-sticky-header', headerPlaceHolder: '.js-sticky-header-holder', }); }, /* ============================================================================ * Fix sticky navbar padding when open modal * ==========================================================================*/ stickyNavbarPadding: function () { var oldSSB = $.fn.modal.Constructor.prototype.setScrollbar; var $stickyHeader = $('.sticky-header .navigation-bar'); $.fn.modal.Constructor.prototype.setScrollbar = function () { oldSSB.apply(this); if (this.bodyIsOverflowing && this.scrollbarWidth) { $stickyHeader.css('padding-right', this.scrollbarWidth); } } var oldRSB = $.fn.modal.Constructor.prototype.resetScrollbar; $.fn.modal.Constructor.prototype.resetScrollbar = function () { oldRSB.apply(this); $stickyHeader.css('padding-right', ''); } }, /* ============================================================================ * Header dropdown search * ==========================================================================*/ searchToggle: function () { var $headerSearchDropdown = $('#header-search-dropdown'); var $searchDropdownToggle = $('.js-search-dropdown-toggle'); var $mobileHeader = $('#fpc-mobile-header'); var $stickyHeaderNav = $('#fpc-sticky-header').find('.navigation-bar__inner'); var $staticHeaderNav = $('.site-header').find('.navigation-bar__inner'); var $headerSearchDropdownInput = $headerSearchDropdown.find('.search-form__input'); $headerSearchDropdown.on('click', function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); }); $searchDropdownToggle.on('click', function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); var $toggleBtn = $(this); var position = ''; if ($toggleBtn.hasClass('mobile-header-btn')) { position = 'mobile'; 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$results = errorText; $resultsInner.html($results).css('opacity', 0).animate({ opacity: 1 }, 500); }); ajaxCall.always(function () { $resultsContainer.removeClass('is-loading'); }); } }, /* ============================================================================ * Login Form tabs * ==========================================================================*/ loginForm: function () { var $loginFormTabsLinks = $('.js-login-form-tabs').find('a'); $loginFormTabsLinks.on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault() $(this).tab('show'); }); }, /* ============================================================================ * Offcanvas Menu * ==========================================================================*/ offCanvasMenu: function () { var $backdrop = $('
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$subMenu.slideToggle(200); }); }, /* ============================================================================ * Prority+ menu init * ==========================================================================*/ priorityNavInit: function () { var $menus = $('.js-priority-nav'); $menus.each(function () { FPC.priorityNav($(this)); }) }, /* ============================================================================ * Smart sticky header * ==========================================================================*/ smartAffix: { //settings $headerPlaceHolder: null, //the affix menu (this element will get the mdAffixed) $fixedHeader: null, //the menu wrapper / placeholder isDestroyed: false, isDisabled: false, isFixed: false, //the current state of the menu, true if the menu is affix isShown: false, windowScrollTop: 0, lastWindowScrollTop: 0, //last scrollTop position, used to calculate the scroll direction offCheckpoint: 0, // distance from top where fixed header will be hidden onCheckpoint: 0, // distance from top where fixed header can show up breakpoint: 992, // media breakpoint in px that it will be disabled init: function init(options) { //read the settings this.$fixedHeader = $(options.fixedHeader); 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} else { if (this.$fixedHeader) { this.$fixedHeader.removeClass('is-fixed'); } $window.trigger('stickyHeaderHidden'); } if (this.isShown) { this.$fixedHeader.addClass('is-shown'); } else { if (this.$fixedHeader) { this.$fixedHeader.removeClass('is-shown'); } } }, /** * called by events on scroll */ eventScroll: function eventScroll(scrollTop) { var scrollDirection = ''; var scrollDelta = 0; // check the direction if (scrollTop != this.lastWindowScrollTop) { //compute direction only if we have different last scroll top // compute the direction of the scroll if (scrollTop > this.lastWindowScrollTop) { scrollDirection = 'down'; } else { scrollDirection = 'up'; } //calculate the scroll delta scrollDelta = Math.abs(scrollTop - this.lastWindowScrollTop); this.lastWindowScrollTop = scrollTop; // update affix state if (this.offCheckpoint < scrollTop) { this.isFixed = true; } else { this.isFixed = false; } // check affix state if (this.isFixed) { // We're in affixed state, let's do some check if ((scrollDirection === 'down') && (scrollDelta > 14)) { if (this.isShown) { this.isShown = false; // hide menu } } else { if ((!this.isShown) && (scrollDelta > 14) && (this.onCheckpoint < scrollTop)) { this.isShown = true; // show menu } } } else { this.isShown = false; } this.updateState(); // update state } }, // end eventScroll function /** * called by events on resize */ eventResize: function eventResize(windowWidth) { // Check if device width is smaller than breakpoint. if (FPC.documentOnResize.windowWidth < FPC.header.smartAffix.breakpoint) { this.isDisabled = true; } else { this.isDisabled = false; FPC.header.smartAffix.compute(); } } }, }; FPC.documentOnScroll = { ticking: false, windowScrollTop: 0, //used to store the scrollTop init: function () { window.addEventListener('scroll', function (e) { if (!FPC.documentOnScroll.ticking) { window.requestAnimationFrame(function () { FPC.documentOnScroll.windowScrollTop = $window.scrollTop(); // Functions to call here if (!FPC.header.smartAffix.isDisabled && !FPC.header.smartAffix.isDestroyed) { FPC.header.smartAffix.eventScroll(FPC.documentOnScroll.windowScrollTop); 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FPC.documentOnResize.ticking = false; }); } FPC.documentOnResize.ticking = true; }); }, }; FPC.documentOnReady = { init: function () { FPC.header.init(); FPC.header.smartAffix.compute(); FPC.documentOnScroll.init(); FPC.documentOnReady.ajaxLoadPost(); FPC.documentOnReady.countdown(); FPC.documentOnReady.goToTop(); FPC.documentOnReady.newsTicker(); FPC.documentOnReady.lightBox(); FPC.documentOnReady.perfectScrollbarInit(); FPC.documentOnReady.tooltipInit();; }, /* ============================================================================ * AJAX load more posts * ==========================================================================*/ ajaxLoadPost: function () { var $loadedPosts = null; var $ajaxLoadPost = $('.js-ajax-load-post'); function ajaxLoad(parameters, $postContainer) { var ajaxStatus = '', ajaxCall = $.ajax({ url: "inc/ajax-load-post.html", type: 'post', dataType: 'html', data: { // action: 'ajax_load_post', offset: parameters.offset, postsToLoad: parameters.postsToLoad, // other parameters }, }); 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' + '
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($stickyHeader.outerHeight() + 20) : 0; // check if there's sticky header if ($.isFunction($.fn.theiaStickySidebar)) { $stickySidebar.theiaStickySidebar({ additionalMarginTop: marginTop, additionalMarginBottom: 20, }); } }, 250); // wait a bit for precise height; }, /* ============================================================================ * Bootstrap tooltip * ==========================================================================*/ tooltipInit: function () { var $element = $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]'); $element.tooltip(); }, search: function () { $('.js-search-dropdown-toggle').on('click', function () { $('.fpc-search-full').toggleClass('On'); }); $('#fpc-search-remove').on('click', function () { $('.fpc-search-full').removeClass('On'); }); } }; FPC.documentOnLoad = { init: function () { FPC.clippedBackground(); FPC.header.smartAffix.compute(); //recompute when all the page + logos are loaded FPC.header.smartAffix.updateState(); // update state FPC.header.stickyNavbarPadding(); // fix bootstrap modal backdrop causes sticky navbar to shift FPC.documentOnReady.stickySidebar(); } }; /* ============================================================================ * Blur background mask * ==========================================================================*/ FPC.clippedBackground = function () { if ($overlayBg.length) { $overlayBg.each(function () { var $mainArea = $(this).find('.js-overlay-bg-main-area'); if (!$mainArea.length) { $mainArea = $(this); } var $subArea = $(this).find('.js-overlay-bg-sub-area'); var $subBg = $(this).find('.js-overlay-bg-sub'); var leftOffset = $mainArea.offset().left - $subArea.offset().left; var topOffset = $mainArea.offset().top - $subArea.offset().top; $subBg.css('display', 'block'); $subBg.css('position', 'absolute'); $subBg.css('width', $mainArea.outerWidth() + 'px'); $subBg.css('height', $mainArea.outerHeight() + 'px'); $subBg.css('left', leftOffset + 'px'); $subBg.css('top', topOffset + 'px'); }); }; } /* ============================================================================ * Priority+ menu * ==========================================================================*/ FPC.priorityNav = function ($menu) { var $btn = $menu.find('button'); var $menuWrap = $menu.find('.navigation'); var $menuItem = $menuWrap.children('li'); var hasMore = false; if (!$menuWrap.length) { return; } function calcWidth() { if ($menuWrap[0].getBoundingClientRect().width === 0) return; var navWidth = 0; $menuItem = $menuWrap.children('li'); $menuItem.each(function () { navWidth += $(this)[0].getBoundingClientRect().width; }); if (hasMore) { var $more = $menu.find('.priority-nav__more'); var moreWidth = $more[0].getBoundingClientRect().width; var availableSpace = $menu[0].getBoundingClientRect().width; //Remove the padding width (assumming padding are px values) availableSpace -= (parseInt($menu.css("padding-left"), 10) + parseInt($menu.css("padding-right"), 10)); //Remove the border width availableSpace -= ($menu.outerWidth(false) - $menu.innerWidth()); if (navWidth > availableSpace) { var $menuItems = $menuWrap.children('li:not(.priority-nav__more)'); var itemsToHideCount = 1; $($menuItems.get().reverse()).each(function (index) { navWidth -= $(this)[0].getBoundingClientRect().width; if (navWidth > availableSpace) { itemsToHideCount++; } else { return false; } }); var $itemsToHide = $menuWrap.children('li:not(.priority-nav__more)').slice(-itemsToHideCount); $itemsToHide.each(function (index) { $(this).attr('data-width', $(this)[0].getBoundingClientRect().width); }); $itemsToHide.prependTo($more.children('ul')); } else { var $moreItems = $more.children('ul').children('li'); var itemsToShowCount = 0; if ($moreItems.length === 1) { // if there's only 1 item in "More" dropdown if (availableSpace >= (navWidth - moreWidth + $moreItems.first().data('width'))) { itemsToShowCount = 1; } } else { $moreItems.each(function (index) { navWidth += $(this).data('width'); if (navWidth <= availableSpace) { itemsToShowCount++; } else { return false; } }); } if (itemsToShowCount > 0) { var $itemsToShow = $moreItems.slice(0, itemsToShowCount); $itemsToShow.insertBefore($menuWrap.children('.priority-nav__more')); $moreItems = $more.children('ul').children('li'); if ($moreItems.length <= 0) { $more.remove(); hasMore = false; } } } } else { var $more = $('
  • More
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